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Welcome to the SiriusMC store!

Here, you can purchase ranks, money, claim blocks and more to help support the server. Your purchases help cover the cost of our infrastructure, such as our dedicated servers, backup server, website, DDoS Mitigation, and other aspects that make SiriusMC run.

Purchases are automatically delivered within 15 minutes of payment completion. If you have any questions or issues relating to purchases, don't hesitate to get in touch with us on Discord, Our Website, or via email at, and we will respond promptly.

Payments are processed securely through our secure payment gateways, Paypal or Stripe!

Please note that all purchases are final; purchases won't be refunded if you are sanctioned on the server. Please ensure you are over 18 or have parental permission before purchasing from the store. All purchases are subject to our terms of service found here.

SiriusMC is not affiliated with or supported by Mojang; do not contact Mojang for issues relating to purchases.